The first memorial service for Floyd was held in Minneapolis on June 4, local time. Hundreds of people attended the funeral. The memorial service took place at the Northcentral University, and attendances including Floyd's family, politicians and Hollywood celebrities. 弗洛伊德的离世“触动了许多人的心”,一石激起千层浪。愤怒的美国民众走上街头,提醒着世人重新审视美国白人与非裔美国人之间隔阂已久的种族矛盾。Floyd's death "touched a lot of hearts" and set off waves in all walks of life. Angry Americans went on the streets, protesting and reminding the world of the racial discrimination that has long divided white and African Americans.At Floyd's memorial, civil rights activist Rev Al Sharpton made an impassioned speech, "Get your knee off our necks".弗洛伊德追悼会上,民权活动家阿尔•夏普顿发表慷慨激昂的演讲:“站起来,让压在我们脖子上的膝盖离开。”
“乔治•弗洛伊德的故事就是黑人的故事,因为401年以来,我们无法成为梦想中的样子,就是因为你们把膝盖压在我们脖子上。发生在弗洛伊德身上的,无时无刻都在美国的医疗、教育、日常生活中发生。是时候以乔治的名义站起来了。”他认为弗洛伊德所经历的,是非裔美国人在这个国家遭受不公的缩影。"George Floyd's story has been the story of all black folks. Because ever since 401 years ago, the reason we would never be who we dream to be is because you (American White) kept your knee on that neck. What happened to Floyd, happened everyday in this country, education, health services and every area in American life. It's time for us to stand up and charge the name in the sake of Floyd. Get your knee off our necks."Sharpton thinks what Floyd had gone through is a nutshell of what American blacks are suffering. Delivering a eulogy at George Floyd's memorial service in Minneapolis, Al Sharpton said Floyd's death and the nationwide protests marked a symbol for America over race and justice.据了解,当天是弗洛伊德的首场追悼会,在其出生地北卡罗来纳州的追悼会将于6日举行。随后,他的遗体将运往曾生活的城市休斯敦,正式葬礼将于9日举行。Floyd's first memorial service will be held in his birthplace North Carolina on Saturday. His body will then be taken to Houston, where he lived, and a formal funeral will be held on June 9, 2020.目前,涉案的4名警察已被革职,并全部遭到起诉,其中跪压弗洛伊德近9分钟的白裔警察肖万已被改控二级谋杀罪,较此前起诉级别有所提升,此前他被控三级谋杀和二级过失杀人罪。
All four former officers involved in George Floyd's killing now face charges. Derek Chauvin, a White policeman who kneed on Floyd for nearly nine minutes, was charged with second-degree murder, an upgrade from earlier charges of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.“我坚信,这些进展有利于弗洛伊德、他的家人、我们社区和我们州的正义。”明尼苏达州司法部长基思•埃里森在宣布指控时表示。
周四,与弗洛伊德之死相关的另外三名涉事前警察亚历山大•金、托马斯•莱恩和陶•邵在亨内平郡地方法院首次出庭受审,他们分别被指控为二级协助教唆谋杀罪和二级协助教唆过失杀人罪。法官对三人分别开出了100万美元的无条件保释金,按照惯例,下一个开庭日期被定在6月29日。"But we must also recognize that the anguish driving protests around the world is about more than one tragic incident," said Attorney General Keith Ellison.Three other police officers, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao, made their first appearance in Hennepin County Magistrates Court on Thursday, charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and manslaughter. The judge set each man up on $1 million unconditional bail, and the next court date has been set, as is customary, for June 29.image via the New York Times
“我将永远记得看到弗洛伊德脸上的恐惧。看着我朋友弗洛伊德,一个刚毅的成年男子在将死前哭泣,这种心理阴影挥之不去。”霍尔说。"He was, from the beginning, trying in his humblest form to show he was not resisting in no form or way," said the friend, Maurice Lester Hall, 42, who was tracked down on Monday in Houston."He was just crying out at that time for anyone to help because he was dying," Mr. Hall said. "I'm going to always remember seeing the fear in Floyd's face because he's such a king. That's what sticks with me, seeing a grown man cry, before seeing a grown man die." Mr. Hall told the New York Times on this Wednesday.